Jessi smith

Dietary Restrictions: none

Favorite Color: turquoise

Sweet Snack: any kind of fruit!

Salty Snack: salt and vinegar chips

Hot Drink: vanilla breve latte

Cold Drink: Iced vanilla breve latte or sweet tea

Restaurant: Joyride

Fast Food: In-N-Out

Scent: anything relating to fall or Christmas!

Hobby: coffee shop hopping, hammocking, and paddle boarding

Flowers/Plant: lavender and monstera

Places to Shop: Target, Hobby Lobby, and Michael's

Do you enjoy lotions: yes

Do you enjoy candles: yes

Is there anything you would like parents and students to know about you or your classroom: one of my biggest missions as a teacher is to help each student I meet feel seen and loved. 

My Amazon wishlist can be found at: 

My classroom is always in need of: expo markers, erasable pens, and pencils